
A note about our handbags We offer new and pre-owned handbags. Condition descriptions are subjective. What is good to one person can be fair to another. A large percentage of our items, but not all, are liquidated merchandise. Which can include, retail store returns, shelf pulls and retail store demos. We also sell new merchandise. We always describe which category that these items fall into. Some items will have imperfections and we will try to describe them as accurately as possible. Some of these items are missing ID cards and dust covers or hang tags. ALL ITEMS ARE 100% AUTHENTIC. Colors may differ slightly from actual photos, due to camera and computer settings.

We take great care to describe all noticeable features -including defects, if any, as thoroughly as possible so that you know the overall condition of the handbag you are purchasing. However, it is truly impossible to describe every single spot, scratch, abraded corner, or any of the natural blemishes inherent in genuine leather goods. Neither is there an objective way to gauge “how much, or often” the bag has been used. These are selectively acquired, pre-owned handbags, and though very nice indeed, they are not brand new, unless specifically stated at the beginning of the description. We do not sell replicas, counterfeits, or attempt to pass similes as originals.

Regarding merchandise sold. We ask that you please review all descriptions and photos, as we go out of our way to fully represent all aspects of the items we offer for sale. If you need more information about an item, or if there is something important we have not disclosed or made clear enough in the description ( by omission, or sheer ignorance) please E-mail us. You’ll always get an honest, and thorough a reply as we can possibly offer. If we don’t know the answer, we won’t hedge, we’ll tell you so.

Regarding returns: Merchandise must be returned within 3 days of your receipt, only if the item you purchased was grossly misrepresented, either by commission (shame on us), or omission (inadvertent, but infinitely more likely).

Any item returned, because the listing was not read or photos reviewed are subject to a 30% restocking fee. S&H is not refundable.

DISCLAIMER: We are not authorized dealers for any brand name item that we may sell unless otherwise noted in the description. Our items are Authentic and Legal!